09. RHS Fence

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Pursuant to policy DJ-R, Rosman High School would like approval to replace the fence around the football field.  The policy states that “the purchase and/or development of capital projects (construction, remodeling, landscaping, etc.) with an estimated value of $10,000 or more (including the value of donated materials and volunteer labor) and funded by individual school funds (including boosters, alumni, and other supporting organizations) must receive prior approval from the superintendent and board of education prior to entering into any contracts or agreements with any vendor, contractor or volunteer.  All of the thresholds and bidding requirements set forth in this policy/procedure shall apply to school requests for construction, repair or renovation to any school building, facility, grounds or athletic fields.” 
A copy of policy DJ-R and two schematics of the RHS football field are attached.  Principal Jason Ormsby and Norris Barger will be available to answer questions about the project.  
The board may take action on the request.   
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