09. COVID-19 Update & Review of Mask Policy

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During an emergency meeting on August 27, 2021, the Transylvania County Board of Education heard data from Transylvania Public Health concerning positive cases of COVID-19 and individuals in mandatory quarantine.  In order to keep schools open and minimize mandatory quarantines or school closings, the board voted to require masks for all students, staff, and visitors in school buildings effective August 30, 2021; to follow protocols 1-6 below for all school properties; and to review the mask policy again on September 20, 2021.
  1. Mandatory masks will be worn inside all school buildings used for student instruction at all times by students, staff, and visitors (except for legally required exceptions);
  2. Masks will not be required outdoors;
  3. In accordance with the StrongSchoolsNC Toolkit from NCDHHS as used since last school year, mask breaks are encouraged;
  4. During indoor athletic events held at schools, masks will be required of everyone, including spectators. However, students may remove their masks while engaged in strenuous activity;
  5. Inside all other Transylvania County Schools properties, we will continue to request that all unvaccinated individuals wear a mask on the honor system; and
  6. We will continue to encourage everyone eligible to be vaccinated, but will not require proof of vaccination.  
On August 30, 2021, Governor Cooper signed N.C. Session Law 2021-130 requiring boards to adopt a policy regarding the use of face coverings by employees and students for the 2021-2022 school year.  The law requires boards to revisit the mask policy at least once a month and vote on whether to make any modifications. 
The board will receive data from Transylvania Public Health concerning COVID-19 cases in the school system and will vote on whether to affirm or amend the current mask policy.
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