07. BHS Bike Path Easement

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
As discussed previously, the City of Brevard is progressing on its bike path proposal along Country Club Road.  The path will follow Country Club Road to the soccer lot crosswalk, and plans were presented to continue that path around the front edge of the soccer parking lot, then along Nicholson Creek past the northern end of the 22-acre soccer lot property.  After surveying, it was determined that creek setbacks would require too much of the parking lot, and administration requested that a portion of the path be moved.  The resulting path will have a minimal impact on parking and will maintain the two-way entry and exit at Country Club.  City administration has prepared necessary documents to provide the easement.  These documents have been reviewed by our board attorney and appear to be in order.  The right of way agreement and views of the plat are attached.
A motion is in order to authorize the superintendent to proceed with the proposed bike path easement.
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