08. Request to Apply for NBPSCF Grants

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support

Dr. McDaris and Ms. Frost will present applications to apply for Needs-Based Public School Capital Fund (NBPSCF) Grants totaling $50 million.  The NBPSCF is funded with revenue from the North Carolina Education Lottery and is designed to address critical K-12 school facility needs across the state.  Due to increased lottery revenues, $395 million is available for NBPSCF grants in the FY2021-22 award cycle.  The maximum amount per grant is $50 million.  If the board approves moving forward with the applications, the next step would be for the applications to go before the board of commissioners for their approval.  The grant requires a 0-35% match from a county’s local government, depending on property tax data.  The deadline for submission is March 15, so this would need to be considered by the commissioners at their meeting on March 14.  The applications are attached.
A motion is in order to approve the applications for Needs-Based Public School Capital Fund Grants.
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