04. Good News Report

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
TCS School Nutrition Ranks 2nd in State
The Transylvania County School Nutrition Program ranks 2nd out of 100 counties in the estimated percent of need met through the 2018 Summer Nutrition Program.  A fact sheet and other data are attached.  Congratulations to Director Carolyn Barton and the nutrition staff who work hard to feed children in our community year round.  
Parents kNOwMORE Presentation
On December 5, Susan Wind, college professor experienced in criminal justice and cybercrimes, and founder of Parents Know More, gave a presentation at Brevard High School on social media awareness and cyberbullying.  The seminar covered the latest programs/apps that adolescents are using to communicate online; terminology; how to locate the apps on phones, iPads and computers; the laws that apply to cyberbullying; methods of cyberbullying online; social media websites and their dangers; how parents can track their children online; technology used to monitor devices; legal ramifications for parents and adolescents; and resources for parents and children.  Ms. Wind spoke at different times with the entire student body, teachers/staff, and parents. 
Congratulations Blue Devils Football
The Brevard High School Blue Devils football team advanced into the 4th round of the NCHSAA 2A state playoffs, playing Reidsville in the West Region Final and state semifinal. Before falling 24-21 on December 7, the Devils defeated Eastern Randolph, Randleman, and Wheatmore, earning their second and third wins on the road versus higher-ranked teams. Congratulations to Coach Craig Pritchett, his staff, and the players — and to all the members of the community who poured out their support on the roadsides and in the stands — on the longest playoff run by BHS football since 2005.
For more good news from Transylvania County Schools, please visit us at:
Home Page:  www.tcsnc.org ǀ Facebook:  facebook.com/transylvaniaschools
Twitter:  twitter.com/transylvaniasch ǀ Flickr:  flickr.com/tcsnc
Instagram:  Instagram.com/transylvaniaschools ǀ YouTube:  youtube.com/tcsnc
Smartphone App:  Transylvania County Schools on Play Store and iTunes
SoundCloud:  soundcloud.com/transylvaniacountyschools
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